Equality for Men

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As a man, I am very concerned about recent developments that I feel are not compatible with gender roles. As a responsible male, all I want to say is that “things” have worked very well in past. Why should we change it now? Remember, change is BAD!

I have found that women are getting paid 78 cents for every dollar that men gets paid for doing the same job. This is a disturbing trend. Just in last 55 years it has grown from 55 to 78 cents. That is a whooping growth of 41.81% in just 55 years. Now they are claiming that by 2058 we might have equal compensation. Hopefully I will be retired (one never knows though) but I worry about male fetuses and young boys. These male fetuses have no clue what is coming! They will never believe that world used to be such a wonderful place…

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One thought on “Equality for Men

    computeruser6 said:
    May 4, 2015 at 7:29 am

    When controlled for factors such as: education, experience, and occupation the 78% figure is simply not true. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/christina-hoff-sommers/wage-gap_b_2073804.html The 78% percent figure compares all male employees to all female employees, not workers who perform the same kind or amount of work.

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